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Design brand
for dancers

Dance Place Design Expert Group

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Leave it to DesignTanz
to create a dance school
brand and consultation

Design Tanz for Dance Academy

In 1994, barreinabag was commercialized and Tanz's influence began to emerge in Korea. Tanz's brand power and its design were born during this period, and they have become the basis for Tanz's continuous development over the last twenty years. Dancers and their culture are enjoyed in this era through the best design of DesignTanz, which was reborn as a professional brand after thorough preparation and verification.

Various design planning and
work related to dance

website, blog, youtube

The future of social media begins with an effective website backed by time, effort, and expert know-how, and an effective video introducing your company that is sophisticated and cost-effective.

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logo, branding

As an important element, the logo can represent the tangible and intangible values we hold, become a complex line of communication between ourselves and others, and be connected directly with the fundamental management mindset.

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Tanz Blanc, ballet home studio
pamphlet, leaflet

The value of a print as an asset that we own and can show off to others remains a pride for us for a longer time than we think.

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